Barang Toyota Camry Acv30 tahun 2005

List-ID: 10981100420 Jan 15:02
  • Description
  • Specification
  • Bismillah. Barang2 toyota camry acv30 2005.

    1. ATF type T-IV original toyota RM60 (NEW)
    2. Boot tray RM20
    3. Fog light OEM kiri kanan siap mentol RM90 (NEW)
    4. Cover engine Original RM30
    5. Dashboard cover RM20
    6. 4 Spring original toyota RM150
    7. Auto filter OEM RM20 (NEW)
    8. Oil Filter original RM10 (NEW)
    9. Air Filter original RM10 (NEW)
    10. Mentol osram ORIGINAL kiri kanan RM20

    Jual sebab kete sy dah jual. Ambil semua sy bagi diskaun lagi. Nak jual murah2. Lokasi sepang. Wasap O123626128. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan sy. Aamiinn.

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RM 10
Selangor - Sepang
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