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kg terusan tengah pulau pum pum semporna 1
RM 1,500,00025%RM 2,000,000

Residential Land for Sale, 18 Acre(s), Semporna, Sabah

Residential Land For Sale, posted 3 weeks ago
RM 1,500,00025%RM 2,000,000Semporna, Sabah



Property Details

Property Type

Residential Land

Tenure Type


Land Title

Bumi Lot

Land Grant Available



kg terusan tengah pulau pum pum semporna

Ini👆gran tanahtu.
Ada 2 gern - Tanah dn Laut
Darat seluas 15 ekar dn laut 3 ekar,
jumlah kseluruhn 18 ekar
Ini 👆gmbar tanahtu
Ini 👆gmbar bhgian lautnya
Dn ini 👆gmbar rumah @ bnglo yg trdpt d atas tanahtu/prcuma/ikutlh dlm hrga RM1,500,000.00 (dua juta shja)

Mnguruskn pnjualan tanahseluas 18 ekar/darat smpai laut . Tanah ini, Dngn kluasan 18 ekar n dri darat ke laut/hnya 1 nama shja, tiada mslh。 Senang tukr nama tnpa prlukn penama kdua - Mna lagi tanah siap prcuma 1 rumah/banglo yg sudh d bina@buat atas tanah ini。 Atas tanah ini, 14 ekar lebih - Laut 3 ekar lebih, jumlh kseluruhn 18 ekar. Hrga jual hnya RM1,500,000.00

kg terusan tengah pulau pum pum semporna ,18acres NT RM2Million
14ac++ land & 3ac++ sea

Seriously Cash buyers can message me on WhatsApp or Call for more detail or viewing appointment. 2% +8% lawyers firms for snp. Owner Want To Sales the land, because thinking move to Semporna town.

welcome agents brokers for cobroke。
3% comission from RM2juta Selling Price.

Request geran title copy have a RM50 administration charge.tq🙏.

Contact Agent

Property agent

Honey Property Management Services

All ads from this advertiser (33 For Sale, 1 For Rent)

Mortgage Estimation

RM 6,760

Estimated monthly installment (Interest rate 4.4%)

* This is for reference only and is not a quote. Results vary according to different financial institutions. doesn't guarantee it's accuracy or applicability to your circumstances.

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