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Jobs available in Wangsa Maju | Found 1 Result.

Fleet Assistant - Wangsa Maju
Fleet Assistant - Wangsa Maju
RM 2,000 - 2,300 per month
Job Descriptions: -Assist in the management of daily fleet operations and monitoring driver -Improve operational processes that directly translate into higher delivery performance metrics -Deep dive into fleet utilization and route planning, working closely with management and in-house algorithms team to improve route optimization. -Assist in the prioritization and planning of local fleet daily operations and flexible capacity growth strategy -Conceive new and improved analytics models and work on existing data gathering and analytics tools, to ensure thorough visibility across the operational spectrum of parcel transportation -Work closely with team and other departments to improve existing software across operational touch points, from Ninja Van Operator to Ninja Driver applications. -Help to shape Ninja Van’s long term strategy and expand capabilities across Ninja’s fleets to explore new business opportunities Requirements: -Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply. -No formal experience is required, though any prior experience demonstrating the ability to apply logic driven problem solving skills will be greatly advantageous. -Ability to perform under pressure and solve problems effectively -Ability to manage multiple tasks in a fast-paced environment -Ability to gather data, interpret and develop process improvement Interested please contact : (Region Head) - 011-11777576 (Station Head) - 011-23395490 Location : No, 15 Ground Floor Jalan 10/23A, Medan Makmur Setapak 53300 Kuala Lumpur
Dec 16, 09:50Wangsa Maju
Ninja Logistics Sdn Bhd
