LANDMARK ========= ➿ 1.4 KM Pejabat Haiwan Ketereh. ➿ 1.4 KM Klinik Kesihatan Ketereh ➿ 1.5 KM Sek. Keb. Sri Ketereh. ➿ 1.4 KM Majlis Daerah Ketereh ➿ 1.5 KM Balai Polis Ketereh. ➿ 1.9 KM Dengan Pekan Ketereh ➿ 2.4 KM Masjid Buluh Poh. ➿ 2.2 KM Dengan Masjid Pekan Ketereh ➿ 2.5 KM Dengan Exit Highway Buluh Poh.
$$$RM340,000$$$ $$$RM340,000 $$$ $$$RM340,000 $$$
SEBARANG URUSAN JUAL BELI PROPERTY PEA 3069 Keltrade properties E(3)1948 HUBUNGI ZUL - Click link dibawah untuk whatapp
* This is for reference only and is not a quote. Results vary according to different financial institutions. doesn't guarantee it's accuracy or applicability to your circumstances.
* This is for reference only and is not a quote. Results vary according to different financial institutions. doesn't guarantee it's accuracy or applicability to your circumstances.