  • Contract Type
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  • Part-time
  • Contract
  • Freelance
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  • Internship
  • Experience Level
  • < 1 year
  • 1-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 5-10 years
  • > 10 years

Jobs available in Malaysia | Found 2080 Results.

Penjaga / Caregiver Warga Emas
Penjaga / Caregiver Warga Emas
RM 1,800 - 3,000 per month
- Menjaga warga emas / pesakit di pusat jagaan - Tiada pengalaman diperlukan, latihan akan diberikan - 5 hari kerja / 2 hari cuti, belum termasuk PH - EPF / Socso diberikan - Bonus tahunan - Hostel diberikan
Today, 21:26Selangor
Well Living Care Centre Sdn Bhd
Gym Assistance
Gym Assistance
RM 700 - 1,500 per month
Counter Work Maintain Cleanliness Punctual is a Must Morning Person Male Only Assist Customer Minimum Education: SPM Can Speak English Is Priority
Today, 21:25Selangor
Gym Sunway Mentari
Kerja Cuci Fabrik
Kerja Cuci Fabrik
RM 2,880 - 4,320 per month
Assalamu'alaikum & Salam Sejahtera. Kami mencari pekerja cucian fabrik (FULL TIME SAHAJA) untuk ke rumah customer bagi melakukan proses cucian sofa, tilam, langsir, carpet, dan seat kereta di sekitar KL/Selangor. - MALAYSIAN ONLY. - LELAKI berusia 18-32 tahun sahaja. - WAJIB memiliki kereta dan lesen memandu yang sah. - Sihat mental dan fizikal serta fit (kerja melibatkan pergerakan fizikal seperti membongkok / bercangkung). - Minat belajar & boleh terima teguran. - Tinggal di sekitar Kuala Lumpur / Selangor. Mesin, peralatan, bahan dan training disediakan. Anda hanya perlu ke rumah customer, cuci mengikut SOP yang akan diajar, dan buat customer rasa WOW..! Potensi pendapatan RM 2,880 – RM 4,320 setiap bulan. Kerja 6 Hari Seminggu (CUTI WEEKDAY). Jika berminat sila WhatsApp: 011-35349709 (En Rehan) Jika berminat sila WhatsApp: 011-35349709 (En Rehan) Jika berminat sila WhatsApp: 011-35349709 (En Rehan) *Tak perlu pengalaman. Training disediakan dari A-Z.
Today, 21:17Selangor
Raizan Legacy
Management Trainee (Executive Koperasi)
Management Trainee (Executive Koperasi)
RM 1,700 - 3,000 per month
- 5 Kekosongan - Minimum STPM/Diploma dalam pelbagai bidang - Boleh menyesuaikan diri bekerja secara berpasukan dalam pejabat - Rajin, mesra & berinteraksi - Pengalaman tidak diperlukan kerana latihan diberi - Umur tidak lebih dari 27 tahun - Bujang
Today, 20:55Sabah
Global Rich
Retail Shop Manager
Retail Shop Manager
RM 4,000 - 6,000 per month
Effective communication, strong leadership, problem-solving skills, decisiveness, accountability, adaptability, integrity, positive attitude, strong organizational skills, and emotional intelligence. Friendly. Please whatsap our hotline Resume cv 012 3471314 or email
Today, 20:38Kuala Lumpur
giftology sdn bhd
Hair Stylist / Tukang Gunting - Partime
We are expanding and urgently need freelance hairstylists to join our team. Good techniques in cutting-styling hair Shampoo, cut, cleaning wig 1. Attend Customer for all hair services 2. Housekeeping / Salon Daily Cleaning workstation 3. Customer services 4. Teamwork 5. Age 20-40 6. No Tatoo Marks on both hands Responsibilities Attend Customer for hair service (Hair Cut, Wig cleaning, e.g. related hair wig service. Take care of customers (Attend, Greetings, during and after service) Salon Housekeeping (cleanliness of workstations and salon chores Working in team spirits Whether you are getting ready to graduate or have been at it for years, we would love to talk to you. Will guide wig installation. Memerlukan tukang gunting rambut profesional dan mahir. Kemas dan bersih Pengalaman 3 tahun ke atas Mahir untuk guntingan rambut moden dan lain2 Seorang yg Berdisiplin. Umur : 20-40 Tiada Tatoo di dua belah tangan Pengemasan- Salun -Pembersihan Harian Latihan cara pasang rambut palsu Bekerja di Taman Cheras Indah –Kuala Lumpur Berminat? Sila hubungi/whatsapp Sesi temuduga akan dijalankan terlebih dahulu.
Today, 20:34Kuala Lumpur
Hairsetup Enterprise
Dental Nurse /Dental Assistant (SS19, Subang Jaya)
Job Scopes 1. To assist dentist in clinical procedures 2. To clean and sterilize dental instruments and equipment 3. To register patients, to answer phone calls and to arrange appointments for patients 4. To maintain clinic cleanliness Tanggungjawab 1. Menolong doktor gigi semasa menjalankan rawatan pergigian 2. Membersihkan dan mensterilkan peralatan pergigian 3. Mendaftarkan pesakit, menjawab telefon and menyusun temujanji pesakit 4. Memastikan kebersihan klinik Immediate vacancy /Pengambilan segera No experience is needed as training will be provided. Pengalaman tidak diperlukan. Latihan akan diberikan EPF, Socso, Overtime and Bonus Waktu kerja: 8.45am - 5.30pm Hari bekerja: Isnin - Sabtu Please whatsapp resume to Jess (0126353685)
Today, 20:33Selangor
K&L Enterprise
Personal Driver & Logistics driver
Personal Driver & Logistics driver
RM 3,000 - 4,000 per month
We are looking personal Driver Selangor / Kuala Lumpur Salary RM3000 TO RM4000 Monday to Saturday(half day) 10 am to 8pm Flexible working time Good pay / Lunch provide Good Bonus Friendly and local only Malaysian. pleaSE whatsapp this number 012 347 1314 Resume details only serios people tex
Today, 20:28Kuala Lumpur
giftology sdn bhd
Pemandu Lori / Lorry Driver
Syarikat Lanskap di kawasan Setapak, Kuala Lumpur memerlukan jawatan kosong dengan segera yang tersebut di atas. ( A landscape company located in Setapak required a vacancy as a lorry driver soonest possible) BERPENGALAMAN MEMANDU LORI 1-3 ton SETAHUN KE ATAS ( At least one year experience in driving lorry 1-3 ton) Umur - 28 tahun ke atas ( Berkeluarga atau Orang bersara amat digalakkan ) Age: At least 28 years old and above. ( Family man or Pensioner are encourage to apply) Mengadakan pengalaman dalam bidang lanskap amat di galakkan. (Experience in landscape industry is encourage to apply) Latihan akan diberikan YANG BERKENAAN DALAM BIDANG HOTICULTURE (Training will be provided to those interest in the area of Horticulture) 1) GAJI BULANAN DENGAN ALLOWANCE ( Salary with Allowance ) 2) KWSP, SOCSO dan EIS 3) KEDATANGAN BULANAN INSENTIF ( Monthly Full Attendance Incentive) 4) TUNTUTAN LEBIH MASA ( Overtime Claim ) 5) FAEDAH PERUBATAN ( Medical Benefit ) 6) BONUS TAHUNAN ( Yearly Bonus ) Pendapatan bulanan dari RM1700 hingga RM2000 Monthly Salary from RM1700 to RM2000.00 Sesiapa berminat sila hubungi ( Interest party please contact as below:) Encik RIDWAN 011-2801 8433 ATAU ENCIK KUMAR 013-281 6767 untuk temu janji (Interview) Perincian Kerja akan di bincangkan bila masa temu duga (Details of work will be discussed in the interview)
Today, 20:08Kuala Lumpur
Prolific Landscape & Nursery Sdn Bhd
Pekerja Am / General Worker cum Field Clerk
PEKERJA AM / GENERAL WORKER CUM FIELD CLERK Syarikat Lanskap ( Landscaping Company ) di kawasan Setapak, Kuala Lumpur memerlukan jawatan kosong dengan segera yang tersebut di atas. Umur - 25 tahun ke atas ( Berkeluarga atau Orang bersara amat digalakkan ) Mengadakan pengalaman dalam bidang lanskap amat di galakkan. Tidak ada pengalaman - Latihan akan diberikan - BERKENAAN DALAM BIDANG HOTICULTURE ( Training in Horticulture will be provided ) 1) GAJI BULANAN DENGAN ALLOWANCE ( Salary with Allowance ) 2) KWSP, SOCSO dan EIS 3) KEDATANGAN BULANAN INSENTIF ( Monthly Full Attendance Incentive) 4) TUNTUTAN LEBIH MASA ( Overtime Claim ) 5) BULANAN PENYELENGGARAAN MOTOSIKAL AKAN DIBERIKAN ( Motorcycle Maintenance Services ) 6) FAEDAH PERUBATAN ( Medical Benefit ) 7) BONUS TAHUNAN ( Yearly Bonus ) Pendapatan bulanan dari RM1700 hingga RM2200 ( Monthly income ) Sesiapa berminat sila hubungi Encik RIDWAN 011-2801 8433 ATAU ENCIK KUMAR 013-281 6767 untuk temu janji. Perincian Kerja akan di bincangkan bila masa temu duga
Today, 20:06Kuala Lumpur
Prolific Landscape & Nursery Sdn Bhd
Editor Cum Photographer
Editor Cum Photographer
RM 1,700 - 2,500 per month
We are seeking a talented and versatile professional to join our creative team as an Editor cum Photographer. In this dual-role position, you will be responsible for capturing high-quality images at various events and sessions while also managing the post-production process to ensure the final deliverables meet our high standards of quality and creativity. Key Responsibilities: Photography: Capture compelling images during events, photoshoots, and corporate functions. Work with clients to understand their vision and ensure every moment is documented accurately and artistically. Set up lighting, compose shots, and adjust camera settings to capture optimal images in various environments. Editing: Process, retouch, and enhance photos using industry-standard editing software. Ensure consistent color grading, sharpness, and style across all deliverables. Create engaging visual narratives by curating and editing photo collections that tell a story.
Today, 19:42Selangor
Peveyhack Production
Eksekutif Pemasaran/Marketing Executive
Eksekutif Pemasaran/Marketing Executive
RM 2,500 - 3,500 per month
Kami, Syarikat Quiwave Oceanic Sdn Bhd sedang mencari calon untuk mengisi jawatan Sales & Marketing Executive. **Syarat Permohonan =================== - Mempunyai impian untuk mendapat gaji yang tinggi. - Ingin mencipta karier yang serius dalam bidang jualan. - Mempunyai gaya percakapan yang meyakinkan. - Mempunyai semangat untuk memajukan diri. - Semangat kerja berpasukan yg tinggi. - Bertanggungjawab. **Kelayakan ========== - Warganegara Malaysia berumur 25-55 tahun sahaja. - Pengalaman dalam bidang pemasaran satu kelebihan, namun graduan yang berminat dalam bidang pemasaran dan sanggup belajar dialu-alukan. - Mempunyai lesen memandu yang sah. - Rajin dan mempunyai minat yang mendalam pada bidang jualan. **Deskripsi Tugas =============== - Membuat jualan makanan beku sejuk secara offline. - Mengenalpasti prospek dan kawasan-kawasan baru. - Mencari pelanggan baru dan memenuhi keperluan pelanggan pada setiap masa. - Lain-lain tugasan berkaitan marketing yang diberikan oleh pihak pengurusan dari masa ke semasa. - Pantas menaip & cekap membalas whatsapp pelanggan. Boleh berkomunikasi dengan baik. - Bekerjasama secara berkumpulan untuk mengejar target invividu dan kumpulan. 作为销售执行员,您的核心职责是促进公司的销售。 岗位职责: - 到服务地区代表公司并达到分配的目标。 - 寻找提升销售表现的机会。 - 与客户建立坚固而成功的关系。 - 监测市场状况与竞争对手的关系。 - 准时提交相关销售报告。 岗位要求: - 能够阅读、写作和理解中文、马来文和英文。 - 有销售经验者优先考虑。 - 拥有有效的驾驶执照。 - 积极主动且负责任。
Today, 19:40Kuala Lumpur
Quiwave Oceanic Sdn Bhd
Pemandu Lorry Dan Store Keeper
Pemandu Lorry Dan Store Keeper
RM 1,800 - 2,500 per month
Kami di kawasan Setapak, Kuala Lumpur memerlukan jawatan kosong dengan segera yang tersebut di atas. Umur - 25 tahun ke atas ( Berkeluarga atau Orang bersara amat digalakkan ) 1) GAJI BULANAN DENGAN ALLOWANCE ( Salary with Allowance ) 2) KWSP, SOCSO dan EIS 3) KEDATANGAN BULANAN INSENTIF ( Monthly Full Attendance Incentive) 4) TUNTUTAN LEBIH MASA ( Overtime Claim ) 5) FAEDAH PERUBATAN ( Medical Benefit ) 6) BONUS TAHUNAN ( Yearly Bonus ) Pendapatan bulanan dari RM1800 hingga RM2500
Today, 19:40Kuala Lumpur
Quiwave Oceanic Sdn Bhd
Today, 19:35Johor
Site Installer
Site Installer
RM 1,700 - 2,600 per month
We are seeking motivated and dedicated fresh graduates or candidates with SPM qualifications for the role of Site Installer. This is a great opportunity to start your career in the construction and installation industry. Responsibilities: 1. Daily tasks will involve traveling between the office and various project sites. 2. Assist in the installation, maintenance, and setup of site equipment as required. 3. Follow project specifications and safety protocols. 4. Work collaboratively with the site team to ensure smooth operation and timely completion of tasks. 5. Ensure all tasks are completed to the highest standard and within deadlines. Requirements: *Fresh graduates or candidates with SPM level education. *Fluent in Malay and English (both spoken and written). *Ability to travel between the office and project sites. *Strong work ethic, punctuality, and willingness to learn. *Able to work in a team and follow instructions accurately. If you're passionate, eager to learn, and ready to begin your career in a dynamic environment, we'd love to hear from you!
Today, 19:29Selangor
Perfect Advance Deco

Pemandu Lori
Pemandu Lori
RM 1,800 - 2,500 per month
Kami adalah kedai menjual barangan elektrik berada di Seremban NSDK Kami sedang mencari individu yang berkelayakan untuk Pemandu Lori Job Post: - Pemandu Lori Job Requirements: - Hantar dan memasang barangan elektrik (Tv, mesin basuh dll) - Berkemahiran dan mampu menjalankan kerja sendirian tanpa pengawasan. - Mematuhi dan menjalankan SOP yang dibekalkan oleh syarikat. - Berdisplin, tepati masa, jujur, cekap dan bertanggungjawab dengan tugasan. - Memiliki lesen D & GDL yang sah. - Mempunyai pengalaman bawa lori - Boleh kerja lebih masa. - Boleh menguruskan jadual kerja dengan baik. - Boleh berkomunikasi baik dengan rakan sekerja dan pelanggan Masa kerja 9:30 pagi sampai 9 malam kerja 5½hari setiap minggu Masa rehat tengahari 1 jam, petang ½jam OT akan diberikan Alamat: Rahang Electrical Services Sdn Bhd 173, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, Jalan Tuanku Antah, 70100 Seremban, NSDK ☎️Tel: 06-7614299 / 7624298 / 7624281 Berminat? Sila Whatsapp nombor berikut: !!! Whatsapp Saja, Jangan Call !!! !!! Whatsapp Saja, Jangan Call !!! !!! Whatsapp Saja, Jangan Call !!! WHATSHAPP IC DAN LESEN GDL KEPADA: 012-3650628 Mr Chua > 010-7978800 Mr Lee >
Today, 19:28Negeri Sembilan
RM 2,000 - 5,000 per day
Mencari Sales Advisor Perempuan Umur 21 - 35 Tahun Area Shah Alam ✅BASIC + COMMISION + EPF + BONUS ✅Sebulan boleh dpt Rm5000 ke atas ✅Tak ada pengalaman sales pun boleh ✅Aktif di sosial media ✅Pandai buat live ✅Yg paling penting Rajin Kemasukan Segera Click link di bawah
Today, 19:20Selangor
shah alam
Sales Executive - Project & residential
Sales Executive - Project & residential
RM 2,000 - 5,000 per month
Sales Agent - We are specializing in manufacturing and application of Chemical Floor Coating Solutions. We are looking for a dynamic and dedicated Sales Person to join our team. The ideal candidate will identify new business opportunities, engage with potential clients, and develop long/short-term customer relationships to achieve sales goals. Responsibilities: * Promote and sell epoxy flake coatings, microcement, metallic coating and waterbased coating floor solutions to potential clients across various industries. * Identify and develop new business opportunities, focusing on both supplying and installation services. * Conduct site assessments to understand customer needs and recommend suitable flooring solutions. * Provide technical guidance, product demonstrations, and explain the benefits of each coating system solutions. * Negotiate sales contracts and manage the sales pipeline from prospecting, closing to the end of installation completed. * Work closely with the installation team to ensure smooth project execution and customer satisfaction. * Track and report on sales performance, providing regular updates to management. Requirements: * Sales experience in the construction, flooring, or coatings industry is an advantage. * Knowledge of flooring coating system solutions is a plus. * Strong communication, presentation, and negotiation skills. * Ability to assess client needs and provide tailored solutions. * Self-motivated with the ability to meet sales targets and deadlines. * Team-oriented with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction. If you're passionate about flooring solutions and eager to help clients create safe, durable, and aesthetically pleasing spaces, we’d love to hear from you! If you have a passion for sales and a drive for success, we’d love to hear from you!
Today, 18:50Selangor
Perfect Advance Deco
Bakery Baker
Bakery Baker
RM 1,700 - 3,000 per month
Responsibilities: • Prepare bread,cakes,biscuits,and other baked goods according to recipes,ensuring quality and taste. • Operate baking equipment such as ovens and mixers,and maintain them regularly. • Inspect raw material quality,use materials efficiently,and avoid waste. • Comply with food safety standards to ensure product hygiene. • Assist in new product development and collaborate with the team. Requirements: • Experience:Over 1 years of baking experience,proficient in baking processes. • Skills:Familiar with operating baking equipment and understanding food hygiene standards. • Qualities:Strong sense of responsibility,attention to detail,and good teamwork spirit. • Other:Healthy,able to adapt to a fast-paced working environment.
Today, 18:50Sabah
15 Minutes Bake Sdn Bhd
Used Car Salesman OR SALEGIRL Wanted / 销售 SALES
🏆CAR CITY SALES AND SERVICES SDN BHD🏆 🔥 6 BRANCH IN SERDANG / CHERAS / KAJANG / BANGI AREA 🔥 - RM 3,000 ++ - RM 10,000 ++ SALARY - Quarterly Incentive - Yearly top sales incentive - Yearly bonus - HIGH COMMISION BASE - MONTHLY TARGET INCENTIVE COMM - Bonus incentive - FULL TIME ONLY ✅ We provide : * BASIC+ HIGH COMMISIONS + BONUS + SOCSO * HIGH INCENTIVE * Training provided * Annual and Sick Leave Working Hours * Mon - Sat ( 9.30 am - 6.30 pm ) * Sun & PUBLIC HOLIDAY (11.00 am - 6.00 pm) Welcome for interview. SIN 018-3893001 如果想换新环境可以考虑这里。 人才招聘 本公司聘请数位汽车销售员 1。必须居于巴生谷地区,自备交通与驾照。 2。基本三语没问题 3。有无资历皆可报名 4。勤奋好学,不怕吃苦,不抱怨生活。 5。薪金超高高过很多各行各业的经理,只怕你不愿做。 6。责任心,责任感,负责任,免逃避责任。 销售员薪金: RM5000-Rm15,000属于本公司正常水平。 If you want to change to a new environment, you can consider this place. Recruitment Our company hires digital car salesperson 1. You must live in the Klang Valley area and bring your own transportation and driving license. 2. Basic trilingual no problem 3. Anyone with or without qualifications can apply 4. Be diligent and studious, not afraid of hardship, and don't complain about life. 5. The salary is extremely high, higher than that of many managers in various industries, but I'm afraid you don't want to do it. 6. Responsibility, sense of responsibility, responsibility, avoid evading responsibility. Salesperson salary: RM5000-Rm15,000 is the normal level of our company. SIN 018-3893001
Today, 18:49Selangor
car city sales & services 819 mines 2
RM 1,800 - 2,200 per month
Other Benefit (Optional): KWSP/SOCSO ELAUN CUTI TAHUN CUTI SAKIT Company Description: Plumbing services Company Name: Pressflow Sdn Bhd Company No.: 1229245-W Size: 5-10 employees Contract Type: Full-time Minimum Education Required: SPM Experience Level: 10 years Gender Preferred: Male Only Job Categories: Others Job Type: Non-Executive Language Required: English | Bahasa Malaysia | Mandarin/Cantonese Nationality Preferred: Malaysians Only Own Transport: Motorcycle Maximum Salary: 2200 RM Minimum Salary: 1800 RM Email Address to Receive Resumes: Area: Seri Kembangan Job Description: PLUMBING SERVICES Range Salary: RM 1 800 - 2 200 per month
Today, 18:27Selangor
Pressflow Sdn Bhd
Juru Jual Kereta di Tiktok (NAK MISKIN PUN SUSAH)
Today, 18:24Johor
Clinic Assistant
Clinic Assistant
RM 1,700 - 1,701 per month
Welcome patients & handle check-in/out Handling counter registrations Housekeeping Dispense medications as per doctor’s order Answer phone and respond to patient inquiries in a courteous and professional manner To assist doctor in procedures and treatments Ensure a clean and comfortable clinic environment Perform stock take, top up medications and administrative task
Today, 18:23Selangor
Alfateh Medical Sdn Bhd
Cleaning Crew (Kemasukan Segera)
Cleaning Crew (Kemasukan Segera)
RM 3,200 - 3,600 per month
SERTAI IDEALCLEAN SEBAGAI CLEANING CREW. JANA PENDAPATAN LUMAYAN HANYA DENGAN MENGEMAS RUMAH. SEBULAN MAMPU MENJANA SEHINGGA RM3,600. . APA YANG MENARIK KERJA DENGAN IDEALCLEAN? ==> Gaji dibayar secara harian. ==> Gaji permulaan RM17 sejam. Maksimum 8 jam sehari. ==> Ada pelbagai bonus dan insentif. ==> Ada kenaikan gaji untuk krew yang telah melepasi tempoh percubaan. ==> Ada kenaikkan pangkat untuk krew yang berpotensi. . APA LAGI KELAINAN YANG IDEALCLEAN TAWARKAN? 1. Ada jaminan pendapatan minima RM3200 sebulan kepada krew yang bekerja dengan bagus. 2. Anda akan mendapat Penyata Pendapatan setiap bulan. Ini memudahkan anda untuk mendapatkan pinjaman daripada mana-mana institusi kewangan. 3. Ada "Crew Hangout Day" pada setiap hujung bulan. . BAGAIMANA DENGAN HARI DAN MASA BEKERJA? Waktu bekerja adalah fleksibel. Anda sendiri yang tentukan bila hari dan masa yang anda mahu kerja. Lagi banyak jumlah jam bekerja anda, maka lagi banyaklah gaji anda. . MENGENAI IDEALCLEAN IdealClean adalah sebuah entiti perniagaan yang berdaftar dengan SSM. (Nombor pendaftaran SSM: 003002125-U). IdealClean telah beroperasi hampir 5 tahun sejak ditubuhkan pada July 2019. IdealClean kekal teguh beroperasi kerana sokongan kuat dari pelanggan-pelanggan regularnya. Jadi, tidak hairanlah ramai krew IdealClean boleh jana pendapatan sehingga RM3600 kerana setiap hari ada sahaja job yang krew perlu selesaikan. . APAKAH SKOP KERJA SEBAGAI CLEANING CREW IDEALCLEAN? Skop kerja yang mudah. Anda hanya perlu mengemas rumah pelanggan. . DIMANAKAH KAWASAN OPERASI IDEALCLEAN? Kawasan operasi IdealClean adalah sekitar 30km radius dari Kajang. Ini termasuklah Kajang, Bangi, Semenyih, Cheras, Ampang, Seri Kembangan, Bukit Jalil, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya dan sekitarnya. Krew perlu pergi ke rumah pelanggan dalam kawasan operasi ini. Oleh itu, adalah perlu untuk anda mempunyai kenderaan sendiri samada motorsikal ataupun kereta. . KRITERIA PERMOHONAN 1. Warganegara Malaysia 2. Berumur antara 24 tahun - 35 tahun 3. Mempunyai kenderaan sendiri (Motor / Kereta) . BAGAIMANA UNTUK MEMOHON? Layari website IdealClean untuk memohon. Mohon sekarang kerana kami hanya mencari 10 orang krew yang bertuah sahaja untuk ambilan kali ini. #idealcleanlagibest #parttimecleaningcrew #idealclean #topcrewofthemonth #kerjasenangpokettebal #kerjabest #kerjahappy
Today, 18:12Selangor
Ideal Cleaning Services
Sales Executive (Up to RM6K per month)
Sales Executive (Up to RM6K per month)
RM 2,000 - 2,000 per month
- Cold Calling/Meeting Clients/Prepare Proposal/Follow Ups/Conduct Sales Presentation - Responsible to source new customers to develop new business accounts and generate revenue growth - Manage and maintain relationship with existing customers - Achieve annual sales targets set by company - Ability to handle any as-hoc task assigned from time to time - Demonstrate initiative and drive in sales - Good communication skills in English,Bahasa Malaysia or Mandarin - Able to work with Microsoft Word,Excel and Powerpoint
Today, 18:05Kuala Lumpur
Syarikat Telecopier Sales & Services Sdn Bhd
Looking For Sales Penjual Marketing SeriKembangan
SALES ADVISOR WANTED *TAK PERLU PENGALAMAN , JANJI BETUL2 ADA (HEART) * LELAKI / PEREMPUAN Umur(18-45) * BOLEH BEKERJA DIHARI MINGGU (SABTU & AHAD) * MEMPUNYAI LESEN KERETA * HIGH COMMISION + BASIC * MONTHLY TARGET INCENTIVE COMMISION * YEARLY BONUS * EPF , SOCSO, EIS * Good communication skill * Discipline * Malaysian Age between (18-45) * Must hold a Driving license & own transport * Able to work as TEAM * With or without Experience are welcome * Smart, Hardworking and Punctuality * Willing to learn and work on weekend * Advertising cars in social media and other platform * Managing Social Media accounts ( Facebook , whatapps, and tiktok ) * Good attitude, hardworking and passion for money ====================================================== WELCOME TO INTERVIEW LOKASI DI SERI KEMBANGAN (TAMAN LESTARI PERDANA) PLEASE CALL/WHATAPPS= 016-3583737
Today, 17:59Selangor
Kerani Telefon
Kerani Telefon
RM 1,900 - 3,500 per month
LOKASI KERJA : TAMAN CEMPAKA AMPANG (LRT TAMAN CEMPAKA) HOSTEL DISEDIAKAN KEPADA YANG MEMERLUKAN!! JAWATAN KOSONG 2025 ‼️‼️ KERANI TELEFON HOSTEL DISEDIAKAN KEPADA YANG MEMERLUKAN!! ✅Lepasan SPM dialu-alukan ✅Latihan diberikan / database pelanggan disediakan ✅Bekerja di dalam pejabat sahaja ✅ Tidak perlu jumpa pelanggan PENGALAMAN/TIADA PENGALAMAN RM1,900 - RM3,500 (TANPA HAD) LOKASI KERJA : TAMAN CEMPAKA AMPANG (LRT TAMAN CEMPAKA) Kemudahan Awam : LRT TAMAN CEMPAKA) (5min berjalan kaki) (Motosikal sendiri digalakkan) SYARAT 📌Warganegara Malaysia 📌Perempuan 18- 22 tahun SAHAJA 📌Minima SPM 📌Kerja Sepenuh masa (kemasukkan Segera) 📌Latihan dan script diberikan sepenuhnya 📌Lokasi berdekatan LRT Taman Cempaka (Ampang line) TUGAS HARIAN / DAILY TASK: 📊Kerja waktu pejabat dari 9.00 pagi hingga 6.00 petang 📊Sabtu / Ahad OFF 📊Cuti umum OFF 📊Kerja dalam pejabat (Berkomputer) 📊Tiada tugas untuk dibawa pulang. 📊Tidak perlu berdepan dgn pelanggan di kaunter. 📊Berkomunikasi menggunakan 100% Bahasa Malaysia. 📊Skrip diberikan 📊Training disediakan 💰 PAKEJ GAJI / SALARY PACKAGE 🔸Basic - RM1,700 (tidak termasuk insentif) 🔸Insentif sehingga RM3,500 (tiada had) 🔹Potongan KWSP (EPF) / SOCSO selepas TETAP Lain-lain benefit 🍭HOSTEL DISEDIAKAN KEPADA YANG MEMERLUKAN!! 🍭Trip tahunan 🍭Kenaikan gaji tahunan 🍭Bonus raya 🍭Kerja tak stress 🍭Officemate happening & Sporting HARI TEMUDUGA - setiap hari bekerja MASA -10AM sesi pagi @ 3PM sesi petang Contact:
Today, 17:36Kuala Lumpur
Project Admin
Project Admin
RM 1,700 - 2,000 per month
1) To prepare & complete work done report 2) To prepare & complete inspection report 3) To apply & complete for any project licensing, permit, etc 4) Materials order and checking 5) To do on-site work if necessary 6) Able to multitask
Today, 17:34Selangor
Maintenance Technician
Maintenance Technician
RM 2,000 - 2,500 per month
Maintenance Executive • Responsible for day to day site supervision of work and quality control • Planning and monitoring of progress of work, preparation of daily/weekly/work program, material requisition • Work closely with upper management to make sure that the scope and direction of each project is on schedule • To ensure that all works carried out are in accordance to the drawings, specifications, approved procedures, works instructions • To liaise with subcontractors on all site matters • Supervising and instructing the team as well as subcontractors • High level of responsibility, accountability and ownership • Ability to work well under pressure • Hardworking, reliable and possess a good work ethic • General & Building Maintenance Experience Requirement 1. Autocad back ground 2. Renovation experienced in convenience store 3. Possess own transport and with D license 4. Min with GDL license
Today, 17:28Selangor
NT Shop Sdn Bhd
Supervisor / Merchandiser / Cashier
Supervisor / Merchandiser / Cashier
RM 1,800 - 3,000 per month
Supervisor / Merchandiser Kelayakan: • Minimum SPM/Diploma dengan pengalaman kerja sekurang-kurangnya 1 tahun dalam bidang runcit atau perkhidmatan. • Kemahiran kepimpinan yang baik dan boleh menyelia pasukan. • Mempunyai sikap bertanggungjawab, rajin, dan boleh bekerja mengikut jadual shift. • Mempunyai asas penggunaan komputer. Tanggungjawab: • Menyelia operasi harian stesen minyak. • Memastikan semua kakitangan menjalankan tugas dengan baik. • Memastikan stok barang mencukupi dan menguruskan inventori. • Memberikan sokongan kepada pelanggan dan menangani sebarang isu yang timbul. Cashier Kelayakan : * Minimum SPM / Diploma * Bertanggungjawab, rajin dan berperwatakan menarik dan ceria. * Boleh bekerja shift. *Kemahiran dalam menangani pelanggan. Maklumat Tambahan: • Lokasi: Petronas Jalan Lorong Pandan, Melaka. • Gaji menarik dan faedah tambahan ditawarkan. • Keutamaan kepada calon yang boleh mula bekerja segera. Berminat sila email resume dan jawatan yang ingin di pohon ke : , walk in interview atau call di talian 06-3329294
Today, 17:17Melaka
Account Executive
Account Executive
RM 2,500 - 3,500 per month
A) Assist HOD to managing the Company’s full set of accounts (AR, AP & GL). Responsible in preparing the Company’s monthly bank reconciliation. C) Involvement in end-to-end financial processes which includes payment collections by email/call. D) Handle AutoCount Accounting System. E) Managing the staff’s claim, which involves data entry for the staff claim into the system and processing payment to staff. F) Update cash flow and banking facilities utilization weekly G) Processing payment voucher, purchase order, cheques, and filling. H) Prepare Payroll, EPF, SOCSO, EIS. I) Responsible for Petty Cash control.
Today, 17:13Selangor
Account cum admin clerk(urgent)
Account cum admin clerk(urgent)
RM 1,700 - 3,000 per month
ACCOUNT DEPT -Billing preparation (invoicing) - Contact clients to collect past due balances, update CC and account information. - Filing Hardcopy document e.g. invoice, DO, Statement of account, vouchers, journal etc, accurately and timely. - Manages account documentation (i.e., proposals, agreement letters, reinsurance contracts, collateral agreements, policy change, endorsements, cancellations, etc.). - Prepare daily accounting transaction (data entries in account system) -Develop monthly and quarterly accounting reports for the management teams ADMIN DEPT - Arrange for renewal of road tax insurance and permit for company vehicles, company licenses and registration of associations. -Handle overall office administrative duties. -Assist in handling payable transaction such as issuing payment voucher - Maintain good filing system and proper documentation for future references or audit - Liaise with government bodies on expatriate related matters such as immigration for new work permit/professional visit pass application, renewal and termination. JOB REQUIREMENTS: -Responsible for timely submission of e-invoice in My Invoice portal -SPM or Degree in Accounting/Finance/Taxation or other accounting-related fields -At least 1-2 Year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position. -Good technical knowledge of accounting principles and tax regulations -Ability to work in a team and a good sense of responsibility -Analytical, resourceful, organized, meticulous, responsible, excellent problem-solving skills and committed to meeting deadlines -Familiar with Microsoft Office and accounting software -Good command of written & spoken English, Malay and Mandarin. Interested kindly WhatsApp Ur resume for short interview 012-379 7686(SITI) Preferred Immediately joining.
Today, 17:12Selangor
Huat Siang Hardware Sdn Bhd
Admin Assistant (Store)
Admin Assistant (Store)
RM 1,800 - 2,000 per month
Responsibilities: • Maintain traceability of the batches of incoming material and finished product. • Responsible of daily operation of the store and to ensure accuracy of all incoming and outgoing inventory, issuance and documentation update and data accuracy. • Conduct stock check to maintain the accuracy of the stock. • Keep accurate records of inventory levels, stock movements, by completing counts as required. • Closely liaison with transporters and lorry drivers • Data entry, filling, handle and maintain documents and reports as assigned. • Any other assigned duties from time to time. Skill(s) Requirement: • Attention to details • Communication skill • Data Entry • Multitasking • Calculation skill
Today, 17:10Selangor
Maxmaster Industry Sdn Bhd
Developer Sales Executive
Developer Sales Executive
RM 3,000 - 10,000 per month
POSITION DEVELOPER SALES EXECUTIVE(FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) INCOME & BENEFITS RM3,000 - RM10,000++ (Fixed Salary + Commission) EPF, SOCSO, Incentive Bonus, Annual Leave. Sales Training & Coaching . Allowance Claim Petrol Insurance and Medical Card Dentist care, Optical Care, Medical Care for Family members JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Promoting our new Housing Development Project On duty at the Roadshow Booth located in the Shopping Center / Hyper Market. Response calls to customer inquiries. Responsible for updating daily sales reports by creating and maintaining proper customer/call/records. Follow up & arrange appointments with clients. Accompanying customers to visit the Showroom in the Sales Gallery. Managing good relationships with customers and providing after-sales service. Must be Aggressive and a desire to succeed CRITERIA & ELIGIBILITY Education Level SPM / STPM / Diploma Speak/understand in Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa English & Bahasa Cina. Aged 19 - 45 years. (Male & Female) Experienced in indoor/outdoor sales or any other retail field. OFFICE & WORKING HOURS Sales Gallery, Roadshow, Event and Conference talk show at Seremban, Port dickson, Sepang, Teluk Intan, Tapah, dan Bidor. Jam bekerja dari 10am - 7pm. 6 hari bekerja dalam seminggu.
Today, 16:52Negeri Sembilan
Lagenda Wira Marketing
RM 1,900 - 2,100 per month
In-charge of delivery and collection. In-charge of all kinds recording pertaining to the store. Upkeep of the equipment and store. Maintain up-keep of the store. To up-keep and maintain the company vehicle. In-charge of maintaining store temperature for Medical Device. Assist store in collecting and sending instruments to hospitals, medical centers Outstation arrangements by bus. (during in availability or job absence of store). Must be able to work Saturday's Sunday's public holidays on alternate basis to send surgical sets to hospitals and medicals centers for which you will be paid accordingly. In-charge doc-dispatching work like invoices etc. Must possess own motorcycle.
Today, 16:50Kuala Lumpur
Ortho Dyanmics M Sdn bhd
Account Executive / Assistant
Account Executive / Assistant
RM 2,300 - 2,800 per month
A) Assist HOD to managing the Company’s full set of accounts (AR, AP & GL). B) Responsible in preparing the Company’s monthly bank reconciliation. C) Handle SQL Accounting System. D) Managing the staff’s claim, which involves data entry for the staff claim into the system and processing payment to staff. E) Processing payment voucher, cash voucher and filling. F) Responsible for Petty Cash control. Qualifications: • Diploma / Degree in Accounting, Finance, or a related field. • Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in accounting • Ability to work both independently and as part of a team. Interested kindly whatsapp : 0123489051 atau email :
Today, 16:49Selangor
Soundscreen M Sdn. Bhd
Pembantu Kedai / Juru wang
Pembantu Kedai / Juru wang
RM 1,700 - 2,600 per month
- Pembantu kedai dan juru wang - Melayan pelanggan - Mengurus stok barang - Menjaga kebersihan kedai - Lokasi UiTM Shah Alam - Hubungi En. Zaid 013-9290507 ( kemasukan segera)
Today, 16:46Selangor
ZSC Trading
Sales Executive
Sales Executive
Job Hiring : Sales Executive * Engaging with customer and understanding their needs. * Providing Quotation and managing sales inquiries. * Building and maintaining positive relationships with clients. * Attend to customers and provide product information according to customer needs. * Strong sense of responsibility and self disciple Working hours: • 9.00AM- 6.00PM (Monday to Friday) • 9.00AM- 4.00PM (Saturday) • Off (Sunday & Public holiday)
Today, 16:45Selangor
Used car runner
Used car runner
RM 1,700 - 2,800 per month
**Wajib mempunyai lesen kereta dan motosikal** Tugasan - Puspakom - JPJ - Ambil dan hantar kereta customer - Hantar documents - Dan lain-lain Gaji : - RM1,500 - RM2,800 - Mempunyai caruman KWSP dan SOCSO Waktu Kerja: - Isnin - Sabtu (9.30am –6.30pm)
Today, 16:39Kuala Lumpur
Pandan Perdana
Pemandu Lori Roro 3 tan
Pemandu Lori Roro 3 tan
RM 2,500 - 3,000 per month
- Memandu lori mengikut jadual harian yang telah ditetapkan. - Melaporkan sebarang kerosakan atau isu dengan lori kepada pihak pengurusan.baik - Memiliki Lesen Memandu Kenderaan Berat (GDL) yang sah. - Pengalaman sebagai pemandu lori sekurang-kurangnya 1 tahun (diutamakan) - Keupayaan untuk memandu dengan selamat dan berhemah. - Kemahiran komunikasi yang baik dan mampu bekerja secara berdikari. - Mempunyai rekod pemanduan yang bersih dan tiada sejarah kesalahan trafik yang serius. - Gaji dan elaun yang kompetitif. - Calon yang tinggal berdekatan digalakkan - Mempunyai kemahiran asas untuk membaiki Lori - KWSP / SOSCO / IES dicarumkan - Rajin, komited dan berdisplin - Pemohon diminta untuk Whatsapp lesen memandu ke 0163377696
Today, 16:31Selangor
Simatex United Group
